Here are some tips from my own experience on how to improve a website. I used Frontpage to start with but there are other web building
software you can use like "word" , Dreamweaver or others. Once your site is hosted your work has just begun.
Here are some great webmaster tools to help improve your site.
There are great people out there who care and are more than willing to share their expertise with you. Ask people to critique your site.
Ask your family, friends, and especially cyber friends. The latter are just waiting for you to ask them to critique your site. Here are two forums that I found very helpful for critiques:
Frontpage User's Forum and Web Workshop. Go in and try them out!
Advertise by
sending e-mails!
Advertise your site. Send e-mails to similar sites. Your purpose is twofold: one to introduce your site and the other to get feedback.
It's always a good idea to learn about other sites. I wouldn't copy anything but I would try to get the "feel" of another site before I
contacted the webmaster. It isn't always easy to find the e-mail on some sites, but don't give up. Keep searching for it. It will give you a chance to browse the site for the "feel". Introduce your site
and ask to be critiqued. You will be amazed at how helpful other webmasters can be. Everyone was a newbie once and is therefore ready to help another.